Flowing Tears Flowing Tears - Fallen Leaves

Arrived at the gate of helplessness
Standing in this bloody earth in hopeless veils
I cry in the winds, and rememberance will dwell
As still the wounds are deep
Abandoned and left alone, cursed and acrificed
Driven away by her pride I'll wait
Beyond the doors for a light beyond the doors
In a frozen, yet lonely time

Your beauty and my need
Your looks and my silence
Your image and my fear
Your looks, for one last time
Your image for one last time
Feeling your kisses on my silent cheeks just one time
Touching your blossoms just one time
Costing your stream just one time talkin to you

The storm of the seasons destructing me
And my leaves fall to the ground
And I revel in my wounds as I feed
My blood mother earth I'll fall to my knees

In the shadows I'll remain unseen
My misery to mother earth and in loneliness
I'll die insignificant and unconscious in this winter
In a world only I live in
Where life's no more worth to live

At the gates I cry for you
So I remain unseen in the shadows in fear
The ivy will grow one with my body
It chains me to your bonds the ivy of fear
I hate disgust mankind and I love

And I'll wait at the gate as the leaves will fall
To see the light as the leaves will fall
That we dance in the gardens of heaven as the leaves
Over the mountain, and along the river as the leaves
Another world without harm as the leaves

Fallen leaves